
Our comprehensive dynamic marketing communication services include research, advertising, strategic planning, design development, campaign implementation, audience segmentation, and more.

FabCom | Dynamic, multi-channel & segment, content advertising Animated GIF featuring rolling metal gears, one of which is red.

blockchain credentials

Security, data franchises, unification, asset transfers, diplomas, credentials, and the resume of the past are rapidly changing with emerging blockchain methods and converging security technologies. As integrated agency leaders with data-centric marketing methods, we knew a more secure solution for stakeholder data was needed to empower the capabilities of AI and automated content marketing. This has become critical to protect and extend the brands we serve and to be good stewards of stakeholders’ data.

Over the past three decades as an integrated marketing agency, we've advanced through neuromarketing, trigger marketing, dynamic marketing, content marketing, and one-to-one marketing to help brands anticipate exactly what the customer needs when providing the right message in the right place and at the right time. In fact, we’ve advanced so far that we can delight every customer in a different way with integrity and speed. The ROI is tremendous for operational efficiencies, and you create customer loyalty, advocacy, and brand preference out of everyday interactions.

The Consumer Push Back

Although, there’s a conundrum: implementing these communications requires a free exchange of behavioral information from the customer to the brand. And in recent years, consumers have shied away from sharing their data and stopped giving brands their information.

Out of the love for working with converging technology, stewarding brands, and delighting constituencies, we felt the need to create a process for our high integrity and high compliance brands that preserves and protects the customer’s data. It’s time to provide a new solution for constituencies to be in control of their data first and foremost. It’s time to protect, communicate, and leverage data on behalf of and for the benefit of the customer without exposing their information or making it susceptible to hacking.

Improved information security for the customer will usher in a whole new method of creating better digital brands, better advertising, and better customer experiences that create preference. As innovators, we are now calling this Distributed Customer Experiences™.

Innovation with Higher Security

FabCom, a top integrated marketing agency, built BlockSolid as a separately operating division and complementary technology to our integrated advertising services and new HReality platform for education and training industries. BlockSolid offers blockchain commerce and security solutions with learner centricity, allowing the student to aggregate their didactic education, certified experiences, competency-based credentials, and any work-based records within a personal webpage that updates in real time.

BlockSolid is also developing new solutions for enterprises to integrate smart contracts and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to help protect IP and the look and feel of their brand as they build new assets within virtual commerce spaces. Smart contracts include a computer protocol that automatically facilitates, verifies, and can enforce the negotiation and/or performance of a contract based on infinite if/then scenarios without disclosing the personal association to the data or contract. 

Blockchain, in combination with distributive technologies and applications, enables us to deliver secure, instantaneous, authoritative, connective, and seamless transactions in the new shared economy.

The Sum of the Parts are Greater than the Pieces

As an integrated B2B2C marketing agency, we identify strategic opportunities for public and private education institutions, professional associations, and private industry to empower the transition to digital and virtual communications and validations of issued credentials with BlockSolid. We are replacing the traditional ways we represent accomplishments, soft skills, competencies, professional training, and higher education with our transforming economy. In an increasing virtual world, the ecosystem of credential suppliers and the myriad of options have slowly grown over the last decade for go-to-market solutions.

It’s now hundreds of times more useful to showcase competencies and credentials within the standard digital economy where professionals interact, such as on LinkedIn. This new capability is possible though the aggregated use of dynamic and AI-triggered messaging that’s now converging with the underlying technology of blockchain. This has become the key to unlocking a brilliant win-win for brands and their customers.

Smartly designed digital credentials compete on the same battlefield as education, industry training, and government-influenced and regulated industries to prove competencies.

By taking an integrated approach to understanding the demographic, psychographic, and behaviors of your target audience through neuromarketing, we incorporate blockchain with your current processes in a way that resonates with your constituencies, creating added value, brand affinity, and efficiencies at scale. And through our integrated process, blockchain capabilities and efficiencies are available to brands of all sizes. 

Benefits of Blockchain in Marketing

Blockchain technology leveraged for the sake of the customer’s loyalty to the brand offers unprecedented security, which enables us to offer smart contracts. Because data is distributed across the whole network of computers on the blockchain, compromising or stealing the data is extremely difficult. With no single access point to the data, it’s much less vulnerable than in the traditional, centralized model of data storage. This difference in security levels is highly significant in creating enhanced customer experiences because trust is the Holy Grail and the new battleground in online marketing and brand building.

Because of its security advantages, blockchain gives customers a certifiable sense of security in the anonymity of their data and can eliminate any “middlemen” in transactions. Think of the new technology of blockchain as an anonymous escrow account of data that’s virtual, instant, fluid, and impenetrable to hackers.

The capabilities of blockchain and distributed computing in regard to CRM may be one of the most significant developments we are now working on. It will increase the speed of data merging and purging as well as included data integrity checks, which occur just seconds apart each time a block is generated as a customer is interfacing with your digital brand.

Non-Fungible Technology

You’ve probably heard about NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, by now, which are digital assets recorded on a blockchain. They confirm ownership of a unique digital asset, ensuring it’s one-of-a-kind and difficult to counterfeit. While we’ve primarily seen NFTs take off in the art and collectibles world, they’re coming into play with digital real estate, music, and videos as the technology meets wider adoption.

As the concept of NFTs matures, the agency believes it will encompass a larger field of non-fungible technology that solves for many of today’s digital pain points, such as validating and securing a brand’s digital assets from copycats and unsanctioned uses. Combined with the decentralized security of blockchain, leveraging this technology protects against brand erosion while improving information security to enhance consumer confidence and build credible trust in delivering your brand’s promise. 

Check back soon to find out how FabCom can help you protect your virtual brand buildout with non-fungible technology.

About BlockSolid

BlockSolid LLC, a separately operating division of FabCom, provides blockchain integration services, smart contracts, NFTs and non-fungible technology, and digital credentials through our alternative open source verification platform. BlockSolid provides higher-level security without third-party involvement and was developed for the user to own their own data.

BlockSolid uses the Open Source Blockcerts codebase and assigns the recipient and issuer each a Bitcoin wallet address. Then, the blockchain transaction connects the wallet addresses in a permanent, unchanging, and easily verifiable way. A PURL (personalized URL) is sent to the independent verifier for viewing. Credentials, contracts, and other assets are hosted behind the verification system and are verified in real time for the viewer by checking the transaction on the blockchain.

affiliates & partners
fabcom brainfood IBM Cognos logo displays FabCom's partnership with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Software Grayscale Logo of Database Marketing Methodology company in Phoenix, Arizona Fabcom - HubSpot certified gold solutions partner Microsoft Azure Neuromarketology logo A gray font comprises this S-shaped logo for Scottsdale Interactive with the tagline 'Integration. Reach. Impact.' IBM Watson logo displays FabCom's partnership with IBM Watson Analytics Software Hybrid Reality HReality Professional Virtual Event Platform HReality Professional Virtual Education Platform Blocksolid HReality Professional Virtual Event Platform