straight from the mouths of our clients

Don’t believe us? Hear what our clients have to say about our team, methodology, and passion for generating results. Mic drop. #Boom

"The ability to address each different customer at each different stage without a one-size-fits-all approach is super important and makes your marketing dollars go so much further."

— President, Tech University
“I looked all over the country for different agencies and realized that the company that understood us and got us the best was just up the road in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona.”

— President, Software Integration Company
“In the end we ended up selecting FabCom because it had the total in-house capabilities that we needed. They didn’t have to outsource video. They didn’t have to outsource IT. They didn’t have to outsource anything that the end user would have to experience.”

— Marketing Project Manager, Mortgage Company
“FabCom has always supported us and picked up the pieces when something goes awry… This organization—thick or thin—will be there for you, no matter what.”

— Director of Marketing, Tech University
“FabCom showed me that they are going to be honest; they are going to be transparent and they’re going to work with me through all of the challenges to get results. Ultimately, it’s about the results.”

— VP of Diversity and Inclusion, University
“They were able to segment our target audiences so that we can more efficiently reach them on multiple channels, an essence of what we were missing.”

— VP of Marketing, Mortgage Company
“FabCom has not only been able to keep us in line with the trends, but they’ve been able to keep us 3-5 years ahead of it, which is crucial for us. If we focused on what was happening today, it would be irrelevant by the time it got into our classrooms, and more importantly, it would be irrelevant by the time our students got out into the workforce. They help us communicate the future and help people understand why it’s important before anybody has any idea.”

— VP of Marketing & Technology, Tech University
affiliates & partners
fabcom brainfood IBM Cognos logo displays FabCom's partnership with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Software Grayscale Logo of Database Marketing Methodology company in Phoenix, Arizona Fabcom - HubSpot certified gold solutions partner Microsoft Azure Neuromarketology logo A gray font comprises this S-shaped logo for Scottsdale Interactive with the tagline 'Integration. Reach. Impact.' IBM Watson logo displays FabCom's partnership with IBM Watson Analytics Software Hybrid Reality HReality Professional Virtual Event Platform HReality Professional Virtual Education Platform Blocksolid HReality Professional Virtual Event Platform