Integrated Agency Blog

Strategic Marketing Presentation: A Client’s Response to the Comprehensive Marketing and Advertising Strategy

When you add it all up, it’s clear FabCom’s unique people, resources, tools, methodologies and culture create a fully integrated strategic marketing plan focusing on marketing, advertising, online marketing strategies and a cross channel, cross media advertising campaign.

PART X: Music to our ears: A client’s response to FabCom’s strategic marketing presentation

I won’t ever forget my first experience being involved in developing our client’s strategic marketing plan, feeling the close connection that comes from successfully completing a deep dive to ensure their success. I couldn’t wait to attend the strategic marketing presentation and witness the audience’s reaction to the cross channel, cross media advertising campaign included within

It all came full circle in the conference room as the marketing and advertising plan was presented. For the first time, I was on stage with the symphony rather than watching from the audience, representing FabCom and feeling proud to be part of the team that created an impact felt throughout the room. When the presentation came to a close and our cross channel, cross media advertising campaign was unveiled, I felt a chill as I watched everyone rise to their feet in a standing ovation. We did it! Several client representatives approached us afterward with praise and a desire to implement the problem-solving options we had created in the cross channel, cross media advertising campaign. After all the work and passion our team put into this strategic marketing presentation, not only did I feel immense pride but also excitement and relief to know that what we had just presented was indeed a symphony: a series of orchestrated movements that together comprise the conductor’s score for a harmonious strategy resonating with every person in the room.

With my former employer, we approached a time when it was right to explore a new approach to strategic marketing and advertising. Now may very well be the right time for other companies to learn more about FabCom’s unique ROI methodologies, the new age of strategic marketing methodologies and how FabCom, as a Phoenix based marketing and advertising agency, can scale solutions to fit the needs of any size organization.


Brian Fabiano


Bob House