Integrated Agency Blog

FabCom Awarded Google Adwords Certification

​Nov. 30, 2011 – FabCom has been awarded certification by Google as an AdWords Certified Partner. In not one, but two, exams, FabCom mastered the fundamentals of Google AdWords with emphasis in Search Advertising that covers best practices for managing AdWords campaigns.

​The integrated strategic marketing firm is one of a select few in Arizona to earn this specialized certification, which demonstrates proficiency and in-depth knowledge of the most current tools and resources available through Google AdWords.

​Certified Partners are online marketing professionals, agencies, and other individuals – such as search engine marketers (SEMs), search engine optimizers (SEOs) and marketing consultants – who currently manage AdWords accounts. FabCom’s expertise in back-end analytics and keyword banks provides optimal search engine marketing and online advertising.

​Google AdWords is a service that provides opportunities to run pay-per-click (PPC) ads for business. AdWords ads are displayed along with search results when someone searches Google using carefully selected keywords. Ads appear under ‘Sponsored links’ in top positions above the organic search results, and also in the side column of the search page. That way, advertising is targeted to an audience that’s already interested in a particular business.

​“We’re very proud of this certification, not only for our team but also for our clients,” says Brian Fabiano, FabCom founder and CEO. “It’s essential for us to always be on the cutting edge of new developments and methodologies so we can provide maximum ROI and deliver the best results. That’s why we invested the resources necessary to become certified in this industry recognized training.”

​FabCom’s elite team of strategists and creative implementation experts power best-of-class marketing technology to help clients grow their businesses and increase revenues. The team delivers innovations derived from the convergence of business, marketing and creative strategies with leading technology.

​Not only does FabCom produce results and guarantee them, Fabiano wrote the book on it.

Neuromarketology™: Harness Converging Technologies and Diverging Audiences to Create Dynamic One-to-One Marketing and Astonishing ROI, introduces a new methodology of dynamic marketing called, Neuromarketology™. It is the study of reactions driven from the core brain based on the exposure to specific marketing messages, imagery, and timing. The book delves into the science of knowing the emotional connection points for each member of each target audience and tailors marketing messages to apply brand attributes uniquely and in the most relevant manner.


Brian Fabiano


Bob House