Integrated Agency Blog

FabCom Earns Recognition Among 30 Most Influential Companies of 2020 by CIO Bulletin

We were recently highlighted as one of the 30 Most Influential Companies of 2020 by CIO Bulletin. It’s so gratifying to see market recognition for the FabCom team!

It is interesting how the “profit from another land” concept comes into play so much in our industry, where everyone claims to be a marketing expert who knows everything that needs to be known about marketing.

Us? We have a different perspective. We know that a commitment to learning is what sets the best above the rest. As disciples in an industry that is constantly changing, we have a focus on improving—all day, every day.

In our local market, the uninitiated perceive us as just another top agency making the same claims as others. The Phoenix metro area has always been this way. In an industry beset with those who claim amazing results, companies that deliver on those claims are doubted, even when touting a 30-year history of constant innovation. Once clients see the results for themselves, they become believers.

These believers are fueling explosive growth from top companies across the world who seek our truly unique experiences and capabilities. We glow inside when our clients tell us about the fantastic results we generated for them with our innovations and we’re proud when competitors emulate them. With new technology, they know that FabCom’s foundational approach to marketing (Neuromarketology) is the key to digital transformation.

Over 180 agencies across the world leverage our methodology, where brand attributes are mapped to dynamic segmentations, scaling one-to-one and personal dialogue on behalf of the brand with target audiences in automated, inbound Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) customer experience funnels.

Looking back, its wild to consider how much we have had to learn and the investments in technology and talent have been massive. The digitally integrated facilities and methods have taken almost five years to pull together alone!

The key to success has been knowing how to make more engaging and more relevant content in hundreds of channels with the same budgets. It takes years to realize what one must develop and design into with the new tech, as it is NOT the same as the old tech. New marketing and advertising tech allows different practices that obviate the original focus. Unfortunately, traditional graphic designers or IT-centric thinkers are trained to think in the context of the flat, non-dynamic digital economy we are leaving.

Why would someone have internal employees protecting and creating this old paradigm lead the charge for building the new one? What do you get from the first two iterations? Only this: more of the same, with some new features. Certainly, there will be no real sustainable or scalable competitive advantages that outflank the competition or create preference for your brand.

The one flat picture, the single-headline graphic design, and customer experiences designed by IT mentalities are relics from the economy of yesteryear. There is a new way to think about your brand, what a digital customer experience could be, and how important that is right now.

If this describes you, don’t be disheartened. Instead, welcome to the party, late adopters! We would love to help you. We have developed the methods and evolved them over decades. From start to full digital transformation, we have seen incredible turnaround growth when our clients hire the pros that know.

We have also seen organizations that attempt to learn this in house, and the experience was not something we would wish on you. After a decade of transformation, after three different in-house teams and leaders have been hired and fired and four iterations of technology stacks are deployed, in-house teams may achieve the same results achieved by those of us been doing it for decades.

So, game on! It’s time to transform this economy and your company together.

Get your custom solution delivered on a silver platter. Call the FabCom team and we will deliver the solutions that help you do it right the first time!

Read the full article published by CIO Bulletin magazine here.