Integrated Agency Blog

First Agency in the Southwest to Accept Cryptocurrency

You can talk the talk, or you can walk the walk. FabCom consistently does both, and after three decades of innovating, we’re still at it. 

FabCom is leading the way once again, this time with the future of online commerce. The agency is now accepting three types of cryptocurrency: bitcoin, dogecoin, and cardano. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency that uses blockchain to secure online transactions. Since blockchain decentralizes the management and recording of transactions, cryptocurrency is an extremely secure form of payment. 

The agency knows one thing for sure: this is the future of online commerce. Even Visa announced they are now accepting cryptocurrency. Banking aside, just think of the possibilities blockchain and cryptocurrency pose from a security aspect! New doors are opening with this technology for all industries, whether its education and digital credentials or cloud computing and storage. 

FabCom’s Firsts

As technology and methodology innovators, FabCom’s leadership has always been focused on finding new methods for small companies. Our track record of firsts says it all:

  • 1984 One of the first in the Southwest to deploy the Macintosh publishing system in the graphic arts business
  • 1987 First in the U.S. to develop a 100% remote digital proofing system
  • 1988 First in the U.S. to develop a direct digital to plate solution for a national newspaper insert syndication and production
  • 1988-1994 Pioneered the proprietary development of HD publishing processes in the graphic arts industry at the emergence of the digital revolution
  • 1989-1991 First private/custom solution created for direct digital to press auto-order collateral and document fulfillment systems
  • 1992 Fabiano Communications was founded by Brian and Jennifer Fabiano as the first strategically integrated, pure breed, “online and offline,” full-service marketing and advertising agency in the Valley
  • 1992 First marketing firm to guarantee the results of client marketing strategies
  • 1992 First agency in the Southwest to deploy channel- and segmentation-based, dynamic targeting and messaging
  • 1992 Created one of the world’s first top-100 websites on the internet (measured by sales)
  • 1992 First in the Southwest to deploy desktop publishing for national travel guides and directories
  • 1994 First agency to help deploy online education delivery interfaces (Sperling Group)
  • 1995 One of AOL’s first subscribers (subscribed in the first month!)
  • 1995 Patented Dyrography™, a hybrid form of waterless printing that uses a combination of proprietary hardware and software to achieve higher ink densities
  • 1995 Created the first call center with voice over internet protocol (VOIP) integrated to online customer service and fulfillments
  • 1996 Facilitated the first real-time integration with AS400 hospital records to provide electronic records across the healthcare system (St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ)
  • 1997 First agency to usher in the first online banking platform
  • 1998 Patented WebElite™, a higher quality alternative to conventional heatset web printing
  • 2003 Created and conceived fully integrated, multi-channel marketing dashboards two years before Google analytics debuted
  • 2003 One of the first agencies in the country to deploy real-time online dashboards
  • 2003 First marketing agency in the Southwest to adopt real-time ad tracking
  • 2005 First agency to deploy multi-channel, dynamically-personalized advertising
  • 2010 Pioneered Neuromarketology™ methodology, leveraging emerging technologies including database, dialogue, and variable capabilities to achieve true one-to-one communications and ultra-personalized relevancy in communications
  • 2010 Published Neuromarketology, currently on its 7th printing with the second book in editing
  • 2013 First agency to deploy dynamic augmented reality cross channel within a print ad (Phoenix Business Journal)
  • 2013 First agency to deploy QR codes in the Southwest
  • 2014 First firm in the Southwest to become a partner of IBM Watson and Cognos AI suite
  • 2014 First in the Southwest to deploy AI-empowered marketing business intelligence into weekly marketing meetings with clients
  • 2016 First marketing agency in the Southwest to adopt real-time and responsive mobile designs
  • 2016-2020 First fully integrated agency to build a visual effects, virtual animation, and high motion studio
  • 2017 First independent agency to deploy node-based composting technology for video editing to usher in Hollywood-level visual effects within advertising and video content
  • 2019 Created first-ever common data model (CDM) technology to replace CRM technology with customer secure blockchain technology to protect and democratize the collapse of CRM and ERP and secure the customer’s data
  • 2019-2020 First agency in the Southwest to win more visual effects awards than the film houses in the Southeast
  • 2020 First agency in the Southwest to be Microsoft Azure certified
  • 2021 First agency in the world to develop heart surgery training with virtual reality
  • 2021 First agency in the Southwest to deploy native crypto blockchain for commerce
  • 2021 First agency in the Southwest to produce an entirely 4D, virtual, interactive hybrid reality (HReality) experience
  • 2021 First agency to incorporate medical animators working in 4D with Unity Engine

Contrary to the list above, it is not the objective of FabCom to be first. From the beginning, this integrated agency strives to stay 3-5 years ahead of the pack by learning and evaluating new technology first and bringing the best right-sized technology to our clients to create new growth and efficiency opportunities to empower their brand with added market share.

By going through the learning curves first and applying what we learn from the advancing marketing or communications technology, we are able to pick through and uniquely apply technology for our clients. In order to achieve that value and keep brands ahead of the market’s changing curves, a consulting firm needs to learn and understand all of the technology facets first. A true partner understands the technology capabilities, problems, and solutions to recommend the best fit for a particular client or industry. 

Because we’ve been first to synthesize the capabilities of new technology for new marketing methods so many times, we’ve already thoroughly road tested the next, next, next big thing in technology and applied it in marketing and advertising to give our clients unprecedented marketing ROI. Because we’re a mid-sized agency, not an international conglomerate, we can deliver on our promises affordably, rapidly, and responsively. Contact us at (480) 478-8500 or [email protected].


Brian Fabiano


Madison Miller